of Ancient Rimini Ancient
Books Jano
Planco (Giovanni Simone Bianchi, Rimini 1693-1775)
Columnae Lyncei Phitobasanom: cui accesit vita Fabi Et
Lynceorvm notitia adnotationesqve in Phytobasnon Iano Planco
Ariminensi Avctore et in Senensi Academia Anatomes Pvblico
Florentiae, i.p. Aere, & typis p.c. Viviani, 1774. Contains
38 copperplates by
Giovanni Antonio Battarra
(Pedrolara di Coriano 1714- Rimini 1789) This
rare edition of Fabio Colonna's work is a landmark in the history
of botanical illustration, it was one of the earliest herbals to contain
copper-plate illustrations.
The work is divided in two parts.
The first part illustrating 26 Dioscoridean plants and describing their
medicinal attributes as ascribed to them by the ancients; the second part
contains 11 further plants and fishes. This is one of the earliest books
with engraved plates of flowers.
A very crisp copy with fine illustrations.
Cf. Mortimer Italian 130; Nissen 386.